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Shows - Adrian Crivii


6 March 2020

The situation of the pension system and the context created by special pensions

The difficult context in which the Romanian pension system is located, the existing imbalances, the ratio between the average pension and the average gross salary. How the principle of contributivity applies (or not) and the consequences on the budget – with implications on investments and […]
6 March 2020

The decrease of industrial production as a consequence of the US-China trade war

The decrease of industrial production as a consequence of the US-China trade war, collateral macro-economic turbulence and consequences on the economy in the EU area. These turbulences negatively influence the Romanian economy, especially the automotive sector – which owns an important part of the GDP. […]
6 March 2020

Evaluator vs. the level of local taxes

The evolution of local taxes on buildings owned by companies, the influence of the valuator on the taxable value and possible solutions for increasing the amounts collected at local budgets in order to direct them for the co-financing of investment projects with European funds and […]
22 May 2017

When financial assets are no longer a resource

During the last 10 years, especially after the economic-financial crisis there were substantial changes in the monetary politics of the big central banks in the world. After 2008, the Treasury of the United States of America intensified the monetary relaxation process and cash infusion, the […]
18 May 2017

About the danger of purchasing real estate when they are in the project phase.

15 May 2017

Value and mobility

The technological advance and the development of the IT industry, with everything that it means, make young persons of this generation more and more mobile, with other types of expectation regarding the purchase of a new home. The change in behaviour of the new generation […]